I am a Trending Teacher

I am a techie

I follow blended learning methods

I am an ardent fan of flipped classes

I use Google sites, Google classroom, Moodle, etc.

I gamify, quizzify, storify, incentify and what not in my classes

Mostly, positive feedback on my classes

Got good results too

Everything was fine

Then came COVID 19 onslaught worldwide

A sudden indefinite vacation

Uncertainty everywhere

Tech – savvy teachers like me are relentless

Started using all the online meeting platforms

A real virtual monologue this time (usually a disturbing dream sequence)

Covered the syllabus somehow (make-belief)

Question papers are ready and timed in Moodle (who cares voice from students)

A call from student

“Madam, I couldn’t access the test”

Repeated instructions and steps to access the test were given

Allotted time got over but he couldn’t even sign in

Who to be attended? His trouble is for taking the test whiles others trouble the test  (using Google Guru)

Then came the most important words

“Madam, we don’t even have proper electricity in my village”

Yes!!! 4G is a luxury there

Digital Divide is true

Don’t Worry my boy, I will take care

Today or tomorrow, teachers transcend the test of time!!!

I am compassionate and considerate

I am a Trending Teacher Forever!!!
